The Lion King Tshirt Ideas Easy for Kids Step by Step
And, of course, if your child really doesn't like dressing up, there are plenty of ideas for 'costumes' where the main character in the book wears regular, everyday clothes – so all your child will need to do is hold a prop or maybe just brandish a copy of the book.
For each of our World Book Day costume idea, we've listed out what you'll need to create it, including props and clothes (and a link to buy the book, if you don't have it already). Plus, where we can, we've included a pic of a child in the costume, as shared by one of the brilliant parents in our Facebook community, so you can get an idea of the finished 'look' you're after.
Here's our pick of easy, last-minute World Book Day Costume ideas you can put together super-quick...
1. Paddington

What you'll need:
- Red hat
- Blue coat or blue clothes
- Red socks
- Suitcase (optional)
Buy Paddington
2. Supertato

What you'll need:
- Black belt with cardboard S stuck on the buckle
- Brown clothes
- Mask (band of black paper with eye holes cut out)
- Red material/shirt for cape
- Play veg
Buy Supertato
3. Gangsta Granny

What you'll need:
- Bandit eye mask (or paint one on with black face paint). Or glasses – see our downloadable step-by-step instructions
- 'Granny style' blouse or cardy (do you have one?)
- Black skirt
- Old slippers
- Tights that are too big, so they can wrinkle around the ankles
- Sack-style bag filled with scrumpled up paper (so it's not too heavy)
- (If you're feeling creative) A granny wig – see our downloadable step-by-step instructions
Buy Gangsta Granny
4. Mr Twit from The Twits

What you'll need:
- A fake beard (buy one online or make one with dark brown wool)
- Dark, messy clothes
- A paintbrush and pot
Buy The Twits
5. Burglar Bill

What you'll need:
- Stripey jumper
- Flat cap
- Bandit eye mask (often comes with superhero costume) or draw one on with face paint
- Swag bag filled with crumpled-up paper (or cuddly toy!)
Buy Burglar Bill
6. Alice in Wonderland

What you'll need:
- Blue dress
- White apron/pinny
- Hair bow
Rather be the Mad Hatter? You can find a range of ready-made Alice in Wonderland-themed costumes for kids of varying ages on
Buy Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
7. Mr Bump

What you'll need:
- Blue top and trousers
- Bandage (if you have one) or toilet roll (if you don't) to wind around your child's head and middle
Buy Mr Bump
8. Peter Rabbit

What you'll need:
- Blue jacket
- Brown trousers
- Face paint or eyebrow pencil – to draw on bunny whiskers
- Bunny ears – made with cardboard and taped to a headband
- Bag of carrots (optional)
Buy The Complete Adventures of Peter Rabbit
9. Wally from Where's Wally?

What you'll need:
- Stripey hat
- Stripey top
- Stripey socks or tights – if you have them
- Round glasses – use the downloadable glasses template from the Gangsta Granny costume, above, and colour them black
Buy Where's Wally?
10. Harry Potter/Hermione Granger

What you'll need:
- Black cape (often comes with Halloween dressing-up costumes)
- White shirt
- Normal school trousers/skirt, stick (for a wand)
- Stripey tie or scarf
- For Harry only: glasses – use the downloadable glasses template from the Gangsta Granny costume, above, and colour them black
- For Harry only: red face paint or lip pencil to draw on his forehead scar
Want to add Hedwig or a broomstick? We've 20 more Harry Potter costume ideas for kids
Buy Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
11. Tracy Beaker

What you'll need:
- Red stripey top
- Messy dark hair (use washable spray-on hair dye or a wig, if your child's hair isn't the right colour)
- Sleeveless denim jacket (optional)
Buy The Story of Tracy Beaker
12. The Snail and the Whale

What you'll need:
- Black T-shirt
- White fabric paint (to draw on the snail trail message)
- Toy snail (to glue or pin onto the shoulder of the T-shirt)
- Stuffed whale toy (optional)
Buy The Snail and the Whale
Got a witch costume?
Then your child could dress up as...
13. The witch from Room on the Broom: add a toy cat and a broomstick
14. The Worst Witch: add a toy cat and a (messy) broomstick
15. The Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz: accessorise with green face paint and an evil cackle
16. The cover star of That's Not My...Witch: she has green hair, if you fancy having a go with some washable, spray-on hair dye.
17. The witch from The Witch's Vaccuum Cleaner: as long as your Hoover doesn't weigh a ton!
18. Madame Olympia fromWhich Witch?: add a spot of make-up to get her super-glam look
Pic: Tara B

19. Happy Birthday, Blue Kangaroo

What you'll need:
- Pink clothes
- Pink ribbon in hair
- Blue kangaroo toy (optional)
Buy Happy Birthday, Blue Kangaroo
20. Billionaire Boy

What you'll need:
- Grey trousers
- Big white top
- A wallet full of money (make fake notes with paper or use Monopoly money)
Buy Billionaire Boy
21. Aliens Love Underpants

What you'll need:
- Underpants worn over trousers
- Alien antennae or headband (optional)
Buy Aliens Love Underpants
22. Mr Bean

What you'll need:
- Grey or black school trousers
- Tweed blazer
- White shirt
- Tie, preferably red
Buy Mr Bean: A Day at the Beach
23. The white mouse from the 'That's Not My...' book series...

What you'll need:
- White cardie and trousers OR white onesie
- White paper ears – attach them to a headband
Buy That's not My... books
24. The Cat In The Hat

What you'll need:
- Black leggings
- Black T-shirt
- White gloves
- Red scarf
- Stripey hat – you can make this using a tube of white card and then adding a rim and painting on red stripes
- Whiskers – drawn on with an eye pencil or face paints
Want something even easier? Try this ready-made Cat in the Hat costume. We love the cute tail!
Buy The Cat in the Hat
25. The Man on the Moon (A Day in the Life of Bob)

What you'll need:
- White onesie (you can get astronaut-themed ones online)
- Blow-up alien
Buy The Man on the Moon
26. Noddy

What you'll need:
- Red top
- Blue shorts and socks
- Yellow fabric to knot around the neck
- Blue bobble hat (or you can make a more pointy blue felt hat)
- Red cheeks – use blusher or red face paint
Buy Noddy: Toyland Detective
27. Interstellar Cinderella

What you'll need:
- Cardboard box 'jetpack'
- A tool (eg toy spanner) or tool box
- Goggles
- Ordinary clothes
Buy Interstellar Cinderella
28. George's Marvellous Medicine

What you'll need:
- Red top
- Spoon covered in tin foil
- Old shampoo bottle with 'George's Marvellous Medicine' label
Buy George's Marvellous Medicine
29. Willie from Goodnight Mister Tom

What you'll need:
- Flat cap
- Dark coat or plain-coloured sweater
- Small box (Willie's gas mask box) tied with string to hang from your child's shoulder (optional)
Buy Goodnight Mister Tom
30. Morrigan Crow from the Nevermoor series

What you'll need:
- Black dress or skirt and top
- Red hairband
- Black boots
- Umbrella
Buy Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow
31. Harry from Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosaurs

What you'll need:
- Small bucket containing toy dinosaurs
Buy Harry & His Bucketful of Dinosaurs
32. Matilda

What you'll need:
- A dress, preferably blue
- Red hair ribbon (if possible)
- Small pile of books
Want to go a bit further with your Matilda costume ideas? We've some good suggestions
Buy Matilda
33. The Very Hungry Caterpillar

What you'll need:
- Green card and red card
- Sparkly green paper to decorate
- String
- Feathers
Buy The Very Hungry Caterpillar
34. The Very Hungry Caterpillar – part two

What you'll need:
- An old sheet, painted in butterfly colours
- Ordinary clothes
- Butterfly eye mask (optional)
Buy The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Got a pirate costume?
Then your child could dress up as:
35. Long John Silver from Treasure Island: you could make a wooden leg by turning a sink plunger upside-down and gluing it to one knee of your child's trousers – but we reckon a good limp will do just fine!
36. Captain Hook from Peter Pan: you can get cheap hooks from online fancy dress shops
37. One of the pirates fromPirates Love Underpants: just remember the underpants, too!
38. One of the girl pirates from The Night Pirates
Pic: Getty

39. Snow White

What you'll need:
- A white shirt
- A long skirt
- Blue hair ribbon
- A red apple
Buy Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
40. Jonah And The Whale

What you'll need:
- Wig and beard wig – or lots of brown wool
- A white sheet or white T-sheet and trousers
- A large scarf – to make a sash
- A whale, made out of a large drinks bottle with googly eyes and big flappy cardboard tail and fins
Read Jonah and the Whale
41. Daddy Fox from Fox And The Ghost Hunt King

What you'll need:
- Red hoodie
- Plain or white T-shirt
- Some cardboard, paint, scissors and string – for the mask
- A fox soft toy, if you've got one
Buy The Fox and the Ghost King
42. A dictionary (!)

What you'll need:
- Large piece of folded card or a cardboard box with 1 side removed
- Coloured pens todecorate it with words from the dictionary (it doesn't have to be a Welsh one!)
Buy the Welsh-English Picture Dctionary for Children
43. Riley from Riley Can Be Anything

What you'll need:
- School blazer or jacket
- White shirt
- Tie
Buy Riley Can Be Anything
44. Charlie Bucket from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

What you'll need:
- Scruffy clothes or just a sleeveless vest
- A golden ticket – just colour some card yellow
Buy Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
45. The Boy In The Dress

What you'll need:
- A dress
- A football
Buy The Boy in the Dress
46. A Roman from Rotten Romans

What you'll need:
- A white sheet, wrapped like a toga (check out this WikiHow). And do put something under it, like a long-sleeved top and leggings, or it could get chilly!
Buy Rotten Romans
47. Pippi Longstocking

What you'll need:
- Blue dress or dungarees
- Red T-shirt or bits of fabric, glued on like patches
- Stripey tights
- Hair in piglet plaits – you can plait in some thin, bendy wire to make them really stick out sideways
Buy Pippi Longstocking Goes Abroad
48. Thing 1 and/or Thing 2 from The Cat In The Hat

This is a great one for twins, siblings or friends...
What you'll need:
- Red/orange T-shirt and leggings
- White card – on which you can write 'Thing 1' or 'Thing 2' and then pin it on the T-shirt
- Blue wig or washable, spray-on hair dye (optional)
Buy The Cat in the Hat
Child with red hair?
Then your child could dress up as:
49. Ron Wealsey from theHarry Potter books: wear school uniform, with stripy tie
50. Tintin: gel hair up into a quiff and accessorise with a white toy dog, if you have one
51. Anne of Green Gables: wear a straw hat and a pinafore
52. Annie: wear a red dress and smile a lot!
53. Nancy Drew: carry your detective's notebook
54. Freckleface Strawberry: put hair in low pigtails and make freckles (if your child doesn't have them already) with an eyebrow pencil
Pic: Getty

55. Oi Frog

What you'll need:
- Green top
- Green skirt and tights or green trousers
- Green frog mask or hat made of cardboard
Buy Oi Frog!
56. Dr Alan Grant from Jurassic Park

What you'll need:
- Beige trousers
- Denim or blue shirt
- Red neck scarf
- Sunglasses
- Hat
- ID pass (optional) made from card and sticky-backed plastic
Buy Jurassic Park
57. Percy Jackson

What you'll need:
- Ordinary clothes
- Sword made out of cardboard
- Shield made out of cardboard – you could download this shield template from the World Book Day site.
Buy Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters
58. Little Miss Inventor

What you'll need:
- Yellow/green top
- Glasses
- Pencils
- Rulers
Buy Little Miss Inventor
59. Mollie from The Wishing Chair

What you'll need:
There are (at least) 2 options here because different editions of the book have different outfits for Mollie...
- Blue and white stripy T-shirt with blue denim dungarees OR
- Orange spotty dress
Buy The Wishing Chair Collection
60. One of The Midnight Gang

What you'll need:
- PJs
- Pillow
- Balloon (optional)
Buy The Midnight Gang
Got fairy wings?
Then your child could dress up as:
61. Tinkerbell from Peter Pan: in a green dress, if you want to channel the Disney Tinkerbell
62. Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream: accessorise with a mischievous grin
63. The Blue Fairy from Pinocchio: in a blue dress, obvs
64. The Wicked Fairy from Sleeping Beauty: wear black

65. Angelina Sprocket

What you'll need:
- Pink dressing gown or adult shirt
- Patches of different coloured material or paper to glue onto dressing gown/shirt as pockets
- Bobbles to put hair in 3 bunches
- Glasses
- Cheese grater (optional)
Buy Angelina Sprocket's Pockets
66. Amber Brown Is Not A Crayon

What you'll need:
- Loose white T-shirt
- Black leggings
- Trainers
- Bobbles/scrunchies for side bunches
- A big bundle of crayons
Buy Amber Brown is not a Crayon
Got a tutu?
Then your child could dress up as:
67. Angelina Ballerina: accessorise with mouse-y whiskers, drawn on with face paint or eyebrow pencil
68. Biff in Dogs Don't Do Ballet: add some cardboard puppy ears on a headband
69. The Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker
70. Delphie from the Magic Ballerina books: carry some ballet shoes, if you have them, and tell everyone they're magic
Pic: Getty

71. Queen of Hearts

What you'll need:
- A red top or red dress, accessorised with hearts if you have them
- Playing cards, glued together in a wide circle to make a ruff
- A suitable regal hairstyle
Buy Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
72. One of the 101 Dalmatians

What you'll need:
- White t-shirt
- Black marker to create spots
- White and black face paint (optional)
Buy The One Hundred and One Dalmations
73. Malala

What you'll need:
- A pink headscarf
- A pencil
- A notebook for magical ideas
Buy Malala's Magic Pencil
74. Greg from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid

What you'll need:
- White T-shirt
- Black shorts
- Backpack
- Trainers
Buy Diary of a Wimpy Kid
75. Winnie The Pooh

What you'll need:
- Plain red T-shirt and yellow/brown trousers
- Big pot/jar with 'Hunny' written on in black pen
- Cardboard to make bear ears – attach them to a headband
More of a Tigger fan? We've found this cute costume to order online
Buy Winnie the Pooh
Got a princess outfit?
Your child could dress up as:
76. Sleeping Beauty: no snozing in claass, mind!
77. Cinderella: glass slippers might be a stretch but you could accessorise with an inviation to the ball
77. The Princess And The Pea: scrunch up some green paper for a pea prop
79. The Princess And The Frog: accessorise wth a toy frog, if you have one
80. Little Princess: make her trademark big yellow pointy crown out of card
Pic: Getty

81. Fantastic Mr Fox

What you'll need:
- Jacket/blazer
- Colourful scarf/bow tie
- Mask or cardboard to make fox ears – attach to a headband
- Brown scarf – attach at the waist for a tail
Buy Fantastic Mr Fox on Amazon
82. Emmeline Pankhurst

What you'll need:
- Long-sleeved black top
- Dark-coloured pinafore
- Coloured paper/scissors to make a 'votes for women' suffragette ribbon
Buy Emmerline Pankhurst
83. Amelia Jane

What you'll need:
- 2 bows to make bunches
- Red (ideally patterned) dress
- Patterned tights (don't have to match)
- A little red face paint or blush for the cheeks
Buy The Amelia Jane Collection
Got a vampire outfit?
Your child could dress up as:
84. Rudolph in The Little Vampire
85. Dracula
86. Ivy in My Sister, The Vampire :accessorise with school books
Pic: Getty

87. Stick Man

What you'll need:
- Brown clothes
- A couple of twigs or leaves to hold
- Leaf-shaped scraps of fabric to glue on brown top (if you're feeling extra-creative)
Buy Stick Man
88. Captain Underpants

What you'll need:
- Light-coloured clothes
- A pair of white underpants – to go on top
- A red cape or blanket
Buy The Adventures of Captiain Underpants
89. Sophie from The BFG

What you'll need:
- Pink dress
- Empty glass or plastic jar
- Piece of paper to write 'Sophie's Dreams' on – and stick to your jar
Buy The BFG
Got a skeleton outfit?
Then your child could dress up as:
90. One of the Funnybones skeletons: add a quirky hat
91. One of the skeleton ancestors in Disney's Coco
92. The Skeleton Inside You: be a fact book in person!
Pic: Getty

93. Daphne from Scooby Doo

What you'll need:
- Purple dress
- Headband
94. Shaggy from Scooby Doo
- A green, light blue or khaki-coloured top
- Brown or red trousers
95. Velma from Scooby Doo
- An orange dress OR an orange top/skirt combo
- Long socks
- Black glasses
96. Fred from Scooby Doo
- A white jumper or long-sleeved top
- Blue trousers
- A little neckscarf or hankerchief
More of a Scooby Doo, actually? We like this ready-made costume to order online
Buy Scooby Doo! Mini Mysteries
97. The Highway Rat

What you'll need:
- White shirt
- Leggings (purple, black, blue)
- Black boots/shoes
- Black hoodie/jumper for the cape
- A pirate hat or pretend sword, if you have them
Buy The Highway Rat
98. Lily Bobtail

What you'll need:
- Headband (add cardboard bunny ears)
- Pink cardie
- Pink/red dress
Buy Lily's Party Time
99. The Jolly Postman

What you'll need:
- Smart trousers (pref navy)
- Smart jumper or blazer (pref navy)
- Shirt and tie
- Smart shoes
- Cap
- Over the shoulder bag
- Some envelopes
Buy The Jolly Postman
100. Lola from Big Hair, Don't Care

What you'll need:
- Pink headband
- Pink vest top
- Shorts
- Trainers
Buy Big Hair Don't Care
And if you've got a bit more time to do a bit of paper mâché...
101. The Gruffalo

We've put together a how-to video for this papier mache Gruffalo mask, which is super-quick to make – although you'll need to remember to factor in some drying time.
What you'll need:
- PVA glue
- Masking tape
- Cardboard
- Balloon
- Paints and marker pen
- Newspaper
- Tissue paper
Watch the full Make a Gruffalo mask video tutorial
Buy The Gruffalo
102. Aslan from The Chronicles Of Narnia

We've put together a how-to for this easy-to-make papier mache lion mask.
What you'll need:
- PVA glue
- Masking tape
- Cardboard
- Paint and marker pen
- Newspaper
- Balloon
Watch the full Make a Lion mask video tutorial
Buy The Complete Chronicles of Narnia
About the author Helen Brown
Helen is Deputy Editor of MadeForMums, the author of Parenting for Dummies (Wiley, £17.99). She has been a judge for the Bookstart Awards and written about parenting for Mumsnet, Pregnancy & Birth, Prima Baby, Boots Parenting Club and She Magazine and she's also been Consumer Editor of Mother & Baby. She has 3 boys and a heavy-duty washing machine.
Read more:
- Great Harry Potter costume ideas
- Why this mum's dreading World Book Day just a little bit
- Is it a cop out to go as a Disney princess on World Book Day?
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